Peoples Club of Nigeria International Arlington Tx Branch is a non profit IRS 501c Non- Profit Organization. We are non – political and non-partisan. We ask that our members leave their political views and opinions at the door before entering into PCNI-Arlington Tx. We do not discriminate against any race, tribe, religion or origin. Our membership is open to everyone that meets our minumum requirement and willing to follow our screening process to membership.
The main purpose of our elite Club is social interaction and business networking by people of like minds and common interests. It is about celebrating with our members in good times; and also supporting our members in times of need.
To become a member of PCNI-Arlington, you must be ready to follow our protocol. You must be willing to abide by our constitution and by-laws.
You must have a visible means of livelihood and do not engage in any activity that could bring disrepute to you, your family or our great club.
Follow the process to membership as listed in our membership procedure.